Surgical treatment of lung tumors
Lung cancer is the leading cause of death from disease cancer For both women and men, lung cancer kills more people each year than it does Colon Cancer, And theProstate cancerlymphoma, and breast cancer together.
However, most deaths from lung cancer can be prevented. Because smoking is responsible for nearly 90% of all lung cancer cases, the risk of developing lung cancer increases with a relationship
Directed by years and number of cigarettes smoked.
Doctors tend to divide lung cancer into two main types according to the shape of the cancer cells as they appear under the microscope. On the basis of this division, doctors make their decisions regarding the appropriate treatment method in each specific case, which are as follows:
Small cell lung cancer -
Non-small cell lung cancer -

Symptoms of lung cancer
Symptoms of lung cancer do not appear in its initial stages in most cases, and symptoms often appear when the disease has already reached an advanced stage. Symptoms of lung cancer include the following:
Cough new_appears and does not disappear.
changes in Chronic cough existing or in smokers cough.
Cough with bloody sputum, even if it is very little.
chest pains
Diagnosis of lung cancer
Doctors are still not sure whether screening tests should be used to screen for lung cancer, and even if a patient belongs to one of the high-risk groups for lung cancer, it is not clear whether screening_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b would be beneficial. -136bad5cf58d_X-ray imagingor even computed tomography.
However, recently there are recommendations that it is possible to perform x-ray examinations andComputed tomography for people who smoke more than 30 cigarettes per day for 15 years or more and between the ages of 55-77.
If a person has any suspicions that he has developed lung cancer, he should go to his doctor, who can perform a number of tests to detect
Presence of cancer cells
Lung cancer treatment
The oncologist, in consultation with the patient, decides the method and regimen of lung cancer treatment, depending on several factors such as: the general health status of the patient, the type and grade of cancer, taking into account the patient's personal choices.
Treatment options generally include one or more surgical treatments, or .Chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or drug therapy for focused surgical treatment, here are some details:
In surgery, the surgeon removes the area of tissue where the cancerous tumor is located, as well as margins of healthy tissue around it. This type of treatment may be suitable for people with non-small cell lung cancer, grade 1 and 2 only.
Surgeries to remove lung cancer include the following:
A wedge-shaped cut and cut in order to remove the portion containing the cancerous tissue with margins of healthy tissue surrounding it.
Amputation and lobotomy to remove an entire lobe of the lung.
Lung resection to remove the entire lung.
Endoscopic thoracoscopic excision of lung cancer by surgical endoscope without the need to open the chest, which is a procedure used for patients with non-small cell carcinoma in the early stages.
If you undergo such an operation, the surgeon may also remove the lymph nodes in the chest area to check whether they also have tissue containing cancerous cells. If cancerous tissue is already found in them, this is usually a sign that the cancer has spread and spread until If so far no signs appear outside the chest.