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افضل طبيب جراحة صدر في الاردن

Dr. Muhammad Al-Tarshihi Clinic for Thoracic and Lung Surgery | Thymus surgery | The thoracic cage  | Diaphragm

الصفحة الرئيسية: Welcome

Contact us

Dr. Mohammad Al-Tarshihi Clinic for Thoracic Surgery

Working hours:

-Medical consultations and appointments from:

14:00 to 19:00 (Sunday to Wednesday).

12:00 to 14:00 on Thursday. 

- Appointments can be reserved by :

calling the clinic phones or online booking, 

Regarding pectus carinatum bracing devices and pectus excavatum vacuum bells, you can visit the page  Buying a chest orthosis for further information 

Al-Basma medical complex, Building 23, Abu Feras Al-Hamadani Street,Jabal Amman, 11183, Amman-Jordan

+962779794141-+962779277157 +96265728062 +962786410279

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If you have any questions, please fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible

We will reply to your messages as soon as possible. Evenings and weekends may take longer

Modern Architecture

Dr. Al-Tarshihi is one of the best thoracic surgeons in the Arab world and even in the world. He has a very long experience that he gained through his work in Jordan and Germany. He performed many major operations with complete success. I put all my trust in the doctor and thank him for all his efforts.

Dr.. Osama Rashdan
Consultant neurologist and psychiatrist
New York, United States of America

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